Notice of Annual General Meeting of Rutland Railway Museum Ltd
You are hereby invited to attend the Annual General Meeting of Rutland Railway Museum, which will take place on Saturday 15 April 2023 in the Sundew Cafe, Rocks by Rail, commencing at 14.30.
The Trustee Board and volunteer Management Committee will present a report about current and planned activities at the Museum since the last Annual General Meeting. In order to secure the future of the Museum, the Trustees have also proposed a change to the constitution; please see the Agenda below.
- Apologies for Absence
- To accept the Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting held on 25 September 2021
- To receive progress reviews from the Trustee Board & Management Team
- To receive the Financial Report
- Appointment of Qualified Auditors
- To consider nominations for election of Charity Trustees – please note that we this item will be taken after the constitutional proposal in item 7 has been agreed as the outcome will affect the number of vacancies (either two or four). Please note: if you would like more information about the role of Trustees please contact either Sophie Bruton (Company Secretary) or David Atkinson (Chairperson).
- Constitutional Proposals (which must be notified to the Secretary in writing more than 7 days in advance of the date of the meeting). Proposal for consideration; submitted by the Trustee Board 08.03.2023 – amend clause 5 of the Constitution as follows: “5. The affairs of the shall be administered by a Management Committee elected at a General Meeting. This committee shall be composed of three ex-officio members and two ordinary members. Two further ordinary committee members may be elected for every twenty-five Museum Members. The Management Committee may co-opt members to fill vacancies after the date that the committee was elected……. “. Explanation: Based on 2022 Membership List the application of Section 5 of the Constitution would provide for a Management Committee of 3 officers and 4 other members. To provide for future for continuity, succession training and stability the Trustees consider that the number of Trustee management positions should be increased by two. Consequently the Trustee Board recommend to the AGM that a change is made to the RRM Constitution and that Section 5 be the subject of a minor amendment as indicated in red above. If this change is approved we would be looking to recruit up to 4 new Members to the Management Committee during 2023.
We look forward to welcoming you to the AGM, however if you are unable to attend the meeting and wish to give apologies for absence please notify the Membership Secretary, who can be contacted by email (
Please note that it very much helps the smooth and economical running of the Museum if we are able to contact members by email. If you have an email address but have not yet provided details to Sophie, please do so when renewing your membership for ease of contact in the future.
Sophie Bruton
Secretary – Rocks by Rail