Easter train rides and an Egg Hunt on the Sunday 30th March & Monday 1st April (if the weather permits)
The long awaited steaming of our two Barclay locomotives in the same shift – SIR THOMAS ROYDEN and 1931 – took place at our March operating day. Reminiscent of an early morning quarry loco shed scene, the day started with a fantastic sunrise as the two veteran locos gently started to raise steam even before…
Last weekend saw more activity in the loco yard as the final clay material was removed from under the track beds and sub-base fill materials were brought in to replace them. The area was originally laid on a clay base with insufficient fill material suitable for storage and maintenance of locomotives. Following leading practice, we…
Experience steam hauled working in the quarry area, steam hauled visitor train rides and for the first time at Rocks by Rail ….
It seems barely credible but the day saw concrete poured to form the base of the inspection pit. In a well scripted series of operations, the initial site works included the crucial drainage pipes from the inspection pit to the main drains with provision for an oil interceptor. In addition the team were able to…